The Rainbow (Short Story)

There was a boy who always knew that if you followed a rainbow all the way through, it would take back in time. Every time he saw a rainbow, he would venture out, but when he would approach the rainbow, it would disappear. Only to reappear further ahead on the horizon. 

One day he was visiting his Grandma in a park. 

“Oh look a rainbow!” he screamed, running off straight towards it before his grandmother could respond. It was right on the edge of the lake in the middle of the park. 

But once he got there, it was gone. As he crouched there panting, his grandmother caught up. 

“Where did it go?” he asked. 

“It disappeared,” she replied. 

He explained his theory: how can he go back into the past without if he can’t ever get to a rainbow!

She chuckled and replied, “The past is like the rainbow. Beautiful to look at from afar, maybe, but from a distance is the only way we will see it.” 

(If you would like to read more short stories, you can browse them here.)

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